November 2009 Newsletter
Vol. 1, No. 5
Hello Everyone!
We hope this message finds you all doing well yourselves, in preparation for the holidays. We are excited to let you know about all the new and exciting work that we've been doing since the last newsletter. You can always check out our website, along with our blog, which is updated frequently to show all our most recent photography experiences! I would love to get comments and feedback there! Many of you have become fans of our Facebook page and blogspot; thanks so much for all your support there! You can also follow us on Sarah's Twitter, which is updated automatically on Facebook and our blog almost daily...
November started out with Justeen & Joe's beautiful fall wedding! The weather was perfect - warmer then the wedding we photographed this past July.
Holiday family lifestyle sessions with the Becker's, Durst's, Stevens' and Alm's! Including many new holiday cards, and other gifts this year. You won't want to miss the Christmas tree adventure with the Hebior family!
Crooked Creek Tree Farm - Cut and Choose Christmas Trees
Between Eagle and Mukwonago on County Highway LO, 1/4 mile East of County Highway E in Waukesha County.
The Friday after Thanksgiving and weekends-only until Christmas.
Hours: 9:00AM - 4:00PM. Phone: 262-594-3119 or 262-470-6511
Balsam Fir and Spruce
Best trees 6-8 feet.
All trees $30.
Of course we had an amazing couple's lifestyle e-session Kelly & Derrick in Milwaukee, WI., along with Jennifer & Joe's beautiful lifestyle session in Kenosha, WI., Taylor Lemay's Senior Photographs and Paul & Julie's pregnancy photographs.
To view any of the above sessions click!
If you are interested in GIFT CERTIFICATES or WINTER WONDERLAND sessions contact us today - spaces are limited!
Feel free to click the links above and comment there! We would love to get your feedback! Be sure to keep an eye on our blog for anything we missed in the newsletter.
Stay tuned for the many more things to come! We already know December's Newsletter is going to be great; featuring WINTER WONDERLAND sessions! As always, thank you for your business and support! We always welcome new supporters, so pass this email on to friends and family who might be interested in my photography! We look forward to serving you in the future!
Contact us today to book your family holiday 2009 session - spaces are limited!
Happy Holidays & Best Wishes.
Sarah Anna Photography
By Kevin & Sarah Hansen
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(Under Wisconsin Photographers)
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