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February 2010 Newsletter
Vol. 2, No. 2
Hello Everyone!
We hope this message finds you all doing well and that you survived February. Sarah and I have been sick with colds but are recovering well thanks to vitamin C, green tea, chicken soup and cough syrup. (Don't operate any motorized vehicles, bicycles, skateboards, shopping carts, stoves, blenders or anything that has wheels or an on button after drinking cough syrup.) What also helped was the kind words from our friends and fans. There is a debate as to who made who sick. If you would like the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth be sure to contact the most reliable source (Me). Sarah and I have spent February dreaming of warmer days, with vacations to our flat in London, walks on our private beach in Maui, visits with my uncle Mick Jagger and restoring my vintage 1957 Corvette... Okay you got me all that stuff was a lie, we are coming down with spring fever just like every one of you. Soon spring will be filled with great photographs, new fans and hopefully business from you. In the last newsletter I wrote that I had so far not written 2009 on any documents. I have to make a confession. Shortly after writing the newsletter I goofed and wrote 2009 on a document. My quest for status in the Guinness Book of World Records is now over. Looks like I will have to go back to making the worlds largest foil ball, that I started back in 1989 after watching Pee Wee's playhouse. To think my parents wondered if I had any hope as a child. We would like to thank everyone for their comments on us winning the "Best of 2009" from This means a lot to us. It is great to win something. I never really won any awards in my life. No sports trophies for me. I pretty much stink at any sport that involves a ball. Hopefully we can have a repeat and win best of 2010. With your help of course. In preparation for the busy wedding season Sarah and I have been hitting the gym. Today I may have possibly burned off the calorie content of a potato chip according to the treadmill (Yeah me!!). We are also excited to let you know about all the new and exciting work that we've been doing since the last newsletter. You can always check out our website, along with our blog, which is updated frequently to show all our most recent photography experiences! We would love to get comments and feedback there! Many of you have become fans of our Facebook page and Networked blogspot; thanks so much for all your support there! You can also follow us on Sarah's Twitter...
In January we mentioned that Kevin Hansen (that's me) has recently, become part of the Sarah Anna Photography team! I am still helping out with all aspects of the business. Including writing this newsletter that you so much enjoy. We hope it uplifts you wherever you are reading it. Whether it is at work or home, hopefully not on your i-phone while your driving. As a photographer I am still getting used to the lingo. Often times Sarah will be remembering shoots and say "remember that couple we shot in the woods"? I have to stop and think "oh yeah with our cameras". Context is everything people. It just sounds so wrong. Although it does feel right to be able to capture peoples dreams and preserve their stories through our cameras. We know it means a lot to our fans that we take the time to do this. That's what fuels us to keep going. Hopefully we can bring joy to you and your family this spring. Be sure to check out some of our new work on One of my many images was our feature image on our blog and facebook page! (The image was the heading of our December Newsletter if you remember).
* February started out with the wedding of Amanda Zoeller and Steve Howard. As you can imagine it was a cold day. That didn't stop us from getting some awesome pictures. Yes Sarah Anna Photography's creativity is not stopped by cold weather. We are instead inspired. Amanda and Steve's wedding was beautiful. They were joined by their many friends and family. Sarah and I also set up our photo booth which proved to be a success. With many people standing in line for it. You would have thought they were standing in line for concert tickets. Amanda and Steve had delicious cheese cakes at each of the tables for guests (Sorry I couldn't save any for you). Everyone had a blast and the bridal party really got into the pictures. We tend to have that effect on people. We know there are many more weddings ahead of us so we have not used up all of our energy. We met many more wonderful brides and grooms at a bridal expo in Rosemont, Illinois where we were there to raise the bar on great and creative photography. With spring around the corner we are confident we will meet more brides and be able to take more great pictures in the new season! We are already filling up especially our spring, summer, fall of 2010 and already starting to book for 2011! Contact us today to book your bridal consultation!
* This February Sarah and I went sledding. Well actually we wish we could have. Instead we had the privilege of photographing the lovely Huslander family as they sledded with their young son Jacob. You have really got to check out these pictures. It will really make you want winter to come back so you can go sledding. I mean think about it. When was the last time you went sledding as a family? I know its been awhile for me. Sometimes the simple things in life are the best. Afterwards you can sip on some hot cocoa next to the fire. If you don't have a fireplace then stop by a friends house that has one. Make sure you call ahead though.
* What does it mean when a bride does a "trash the dress session"? Well to find out then check out our site to see Patricia Gonzalez Mikicic. A "trash the dress" is also referred to as a "show off the dress session". So it doesn't mean you get really dirty and play football in it. Well unless that is what you want. Its an opportunity to take some glamours and fun shots with your wedding dress. Right now its very popular with brides - since on your wedding day you don't get much time for extra fun photographs in your fabulous dress. When else will you wear it again - why not drag out your special day! It is a great way to show off your personality and what makes you unique and special. At Patricia's shoot she displayed her own handiwork. Patricia is co-founder of "Oh My Floral". Its a business that makes flowers for brides and anyone else who has a love of flowers. Now let me tell you a secret. Now I'm not paid to say what I'm about to say. When you see "Oh My Florals" flowers you will say "Oh My". Patty is a highly talented lady who has a knack for making beautiful, creative and edgy flowers. Also Patty is an all around great person who is fun to meet and puts you completely at ease. We have already referred her services to some of our brides and look forward to working with her again in the future. You can check out and become a fan of "Oh My Floral"!
* Are you having trouble deciding what your wedding invites & RSVP cards, save the dates or thank you cards should look like? Well Sarah Anna Photography is here to the rescue! Just think of the Superman theme song in your head as I say this is you. To make your wedding plans even easier, (because lets face it YOU need a break with all this wedding planning stress) we have available personalized Wedding invites with RSVP cards, save the date cards and thank you cards. It makes sense to have your photographs on your invites, RSVP cards, save the dates and thank you cards. Many friends and family of the bride and groom have been impressed. They make great gifts and you just know grandma wants one to frame and or put on the refrigerator. We also have available personalized photo calendars. Many couples enjoy this because they can document their first year together. Wouldn't it be nice to cuddle up on the couch next year, sip a glass of wine and walk down memory lane? Why not put your feet up, have your husband rub them while you pat yourself on the back and say "Yeah, I got through all that stressful wedding planning, I can now do anything, I am woman hear me roar". Well makes sure not to wake up the neighbors when you do this. Sarah Anna Photography will not be held responsible for you disturbing the peace. For any of these products and others please contact us for more details. Click to view samples!
To view any of the above sessions click!
If you are interested in sharing the LOVE for that special someone, GIFT CERTIFICATES or sessions are available.
We are now running a NEW spring special for the month of March - check out our website for more details.
Contact us today - spaces are limited! Remember Spring is just around the corner!
Feel free to click the links above and comment there! We would love to get your feedback! Be sure to keep an eye on our blog for anything we missed in the newsletter.
Stay tuned for the many more things to come! We will be featuring images from family, baby sessions and more next month. Because you need a reason to say "Awe isn't that cute", while your at work with a case of the Mondays and your body's caffeine content is running low. As always, thank you for your business and support! We always welcome new supporters, so pass this email on to friends and family who might be interested in our photography! We look forward to serving you in the future!
Contact us today to book your special session in 2010 - spaces are limited! We have begun to book for 2011!
Best Wishes to you and your loved ones.
Kevin Robert Hansen
Sarah Anna Photography
By Kevin & Sarah Hansen
Also found on:
(Under Wisconsin Photographers)
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